Fill the cup—Add Toppings, Weigh and Pay

Screw in Tire=agenda changer!

Screw in Tire=agenda changer!

Delicious Metaphor for life or instructions at the frozen yogurt store?

Sunday afternoon, having picked up a screw in one tire, we found ourselves in the food court at the Lihue Mall on Kauai waiting for Sears to call us when the repair was complete.  My husband was standing by the door of the Frozen Yogurt eatery reading the instructions for self-serve enjoyment of said yogurt;

 Fill the cup with Yogurt.  Add Toppings.  Weigh and pay. 

 We immediately launched into the “what if” game deciding that the only time to buy yogurt is if the line to pay is long so you can eat half of it before weighing, or maybe they should weigh the patrons upon entry to the store and again at the cash register –like they do your truck at the dump! 

We had a good laugh, making up scenarios featuring yogurt, sneaky patrons and potential topping “Cams” to thwart sneaky patrons and then went about our business of running errands, shopping and coffee. 

Home again with 4 good tires and a sense of accomplishment, it occurred to me how our outing together was much like the yogurt instructions.  We were faced with the unexpected—screw in tire; we filled our cup—made the responsible choice to take care of our stuff.  Add Toppings—we made the best of the unexpected diversion and had fun, shopped, assisted the local economy with our consumer dollars, laughed, enjoyed the day and each other.  Weigh—we had gratitude for finding the screw before things went horribly wrong or became horribly inconvenient and uplifted each other by offering no resistance to the situation we found ourselves having to handle.  Pay—we made the best of the day and the day gave us the best!  Or we paid for the tire at Sears—it’s all good! 

While life may be more “screws in tires” some days, it’s more “sprinkle toppings” on others!  It’s certainly nice when the day just “is” and flows with grace in spite of getting “screwed”!

Toppings on Yogurt!!!!

Joyfully and with warmest aloha,
